Week03: Note

Politics and Persuasion in Entertainment

People can influence or persuade audiences in the following areas:

  1. Social media
  2. Broadcast News and events
  3. Film and Animation
  4. Television

Media platforms that have the potential to influence or persuade an audience:

  1. Broadcasts
  2. Print Media
  3. Mainstream Film and Animation
  4. Independent film and animation
  5. Games
  6. Podcasts
  7. Social media / internet profile

Some messages used in moving images:

  1. Subliminal or masked content
  2. Overt or Propagandist intentions
  3. Persuasive or commercial targets
  4. Documentary or Investigative
  5. Independent or Personal struggle, observation or experience

Some major political topics in film and media:

  1. Political persuasion
  2. Commercial persuasion
  3. Race
  4. Gender
  5. Equality
  6. Disability
  7. Ethics

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